Delivery time is normally 1-4 business days from when we register your order. The vast majority of orders leave our warehouse the same day or the day after the order is placed.
Privacy is a priority with We always ship in neutral packaging, and we ensure that it is impossible for third parties to see the contents of the package.
Shipments abroad are subject to a postage charge based on the weight of the entire order. Read more about Shipping Abroad. If you live outside the EU, the shipment may be subject to additional charges by your local customs authority.
We ship to most countries in Europe. The package is sent by either GLS or Post Danmark and delivered by these respective partners in the various countries. Shipping time is normally 3-5 business days depending on the country of delivery. Shipping charges don’t vary for packages under 2 kg. For packages over 2 kg., a shipping charge is calculated based on the specific delivery country. The final shipping charge is listed on the shipping page when you order. There is no option for free shipping on packages going abroad.
Duty and fees may apply when your order is delivered to a country outside of the EU. You are responsible for paying these expenses yourself. Customs rules vary significantly from one country to the next, so contact your local customs authority if in doubt.
Delivery to Sweden
Shipping costs DKK 69 regardless of weight. Max. weight for shipments is 20 kg. There is no option of free shipping.
Delivery to other EU countries
Shipping costs DKK 99 regardless of weight. Max. weight for shipments is 10 kg. There is no option of free shipping.
Delivery to Greenland
For packages up to 2 kg. shipping costs DKK 99 kr., from 2-5 kg. shipping costs DKK 299 kr., and from 5-10 kg. 649 kr. Max. weight for shipments is 10 kg. There is no option of free shipping.
Delivery to the Faroe Islands
For packages up to 2 kg. shipping costs DKK 99 kr., from 2-5 kg. shipping costs DKK 249 kr., and from 5-10 kg. 299 kr. Max. weight for shipments is 10 kg There is no option of free shipping.
Delivery to Norway
For packages up to 2 kg. shipping costs DKK 99 kr., from 2-5 kg. shipping costs DKK 199 kr., and from 5-10 kg. 249 kr. Max. weight for shipments is 10 kg. There is no option of free shipping.
Delivery to Switzerland
For packages up to 2 kg., shipping costs DKK 99 kr., from 2-5 kg. shipping costs DKK 249 kr., and from 5-10 kg. 299 kr. Max. weight for shipments is 10 kg. There is no option of free shipping.